Acid-Based Balance (Hydrogen Ions, Acids, and Bases)

Hydrogen Ions

Hydrogen ions are vital for life, expressed as pH. They circulate in the body in two forms:
  1. Volatile hydrogen of carbonic acid
  2. Nonvolatile hydrogen and organic acids.

  • Acids are produced as end products of metabolism and contain hydrogen ions. They give up hydrogen ions to neutralize or decrease the strength of an acid or to form a weaker base.
  • The number of hydrogen ions in body fluid determines its acidity, alkalinity, or neutrality.
  • The strength of an acid is determined by the number of hydrogen ions in contains.
  • The kidneys excrete 50 mEq of nonvolatile acids per day.
  • The lungs excrete 13,000-30,000 mEq of volatile hydrogen per day in the form of carbonic acid as CO2.

  • Bases contain no hydrogen ions.
  • Bases are hydrogen ion acceptor means they accept hydrogen ions from acids to neutralize or decrease the strength of a base or to form a weaker acid.

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